
Will Consumers Feel Safe Again?

After months of lockdowns, businesses are given the green light to reopen under certain restrictions in the United State. New York City, the nation’s largest hotspot for the pandemic, has moved on to reopen its local economy. While businesses are gradually reopening across the United States, many Americans are still hesitant to return to normalcy as the coronavirus threat still lingers.

A poll conducted by Morning Consult over the past few weeks, Americans are gradually restoring a sense of safety in engaging in popular pastime activities. As of mid-June, about a quarter of U.S. adults on average say they feel safe engaging in a variety of leisure activities, a share that increased from late May.

As per the latest poll, 41% of respondents felt comfortable going out to eat. Whereas six weeks prior, it was only 18% comfortable doing so. Only 23% would go to the movies comfortably at the moment and just 12% would feel safe traveling abroad. The numbers show that slowly, but surely consumers will take on their feet.

Following chart shows the current comfort level with returning to the public sphere for pastimes:

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