
Drinking a strong coffee half an hour before exercising increases fat burning, according to a study

It’s great news for caffeine lovers, who can now get their caffeine hit before hitting the gym.

A study published in Spain looked into the fat-burning ability of coffee before exercise and how its consumption at different times of the day could affect the end result. The study showed that drinking a strong coffee half an hour before aerobic exercise can substantially increase what’s known as maximal fat oxidation rate and that these effects are a lot more profound later in the day than morning.

coffee before exercise

New Zealand is ranked as the 13th biggest nation of coffee consumers in the world – above Australia and the US, with Kiwis knocking back an average of 2.5 cups a week.

“Weight loss and weight control are among the most common targets for those who exercise regularly, and considering that coffee is the most popular hot beverage in New Zealand, this is fantastic news for active Kiwis.”

 “Exercising on an empty stomach in the morning is commonly recommended to improve fat oxidation during exercise. This recommendation, however, may lack scientific support since it is unclear if the rise is due to morning exercise or a long duration of fasting.”, explains the lead author. of this research, Francisco José Amaro-Gahete, from the Department of Physiology of the UGR.

The study included 15 men (average age 32) who completed an exercise test four times at seven-day intervals. At 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., participants were given 3 mg/kg of caffeine or a placebo (each subject completed the tests in all four conditions in random order). Prior to each exercise test, the requirements (hours of fasting, physical exercise, or stimulant drug consumption) were strictly standardised, and fat oxidation during exercise was measured as a result.

Maximum fat oxidation

These results also show that caffeine increases fat oxidation during morning exercise similar to that observed without caffeine intake in the afternoon.

In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that combining acute caffeine consumption with moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the afternoon is the best scenario for people who want to improve fat oxidation during physical activity.

Source: University of Granada / Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

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